The Reed Family

The family that fiddles together, stays together.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Grandparent's Day

Grandparent's Day was last week at the boy's school. Grandma and Grandpa Reed went and spent time in Caleb and Carson and Calvin's classes. Calvin did some math worksheets while they were there.

There was a bookfair at the school and they had a jungle theme. So they visited the library.

Carson wrote an essay about Grandma and Grandpa Reed that I thought was cute. Here it is:

"My Grandpa Read used to be a rodeo coyboy and a cop. My Grandma used to play baseball. My Grandma Richardson is a teacher she teaches 1st grade. My Grandpa Richardson is always smiling. My Grandma and Grandpa Reed taught me to brand a cow. When you brand a cow you have to have a long peice of medal with you initials at the end. Then you burn the end. When your done you put the end on the cow's back side. That how you brand a cow. My Grandparnets also taught me how to ride a horse. Before you ride a horse you put a satel on the horse. After that is done you get on the horse's back. When you are on you kick the horse on the side. That's how you get the horse to go."
Here is Caleb reading his essay. He wrote his about his Grandma and Grandpa Richardson.

Thank you for coming and spending the morning with the boys at school!



Blogger jenn goodman said...

That's soooo cool!!

October 7, 2008 at 1:06 PM  

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