The Reed Family

The family that fiddles together, stays together.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cute Little Weston

Here are a few of the pictures that I took of Weston when Brooke was visiting.
He's a cutie!


Dayton vs trampoline

Last Wednesday we get a call from Brittany that she was on her way to the
hospital with Dayton

He broke both bones in his lower leg jumping on the trampoline
Check Brittany blog for more info
We wish Dayton lots of love

Family Reunion

The theme for the reunion was Be thou and Example of the Believers
The B that our family choose was to Be Still
We all put our handprints on our family flag

My Mom and Dad

Wesley did his Eagle project of disposing of worn flags

Everyone helping

Jared and Calvin posted the colors

Everyone tried their waists at hula hoop
Ben is giving it his best shot
Sam also gave it a try

Calvin held the record and could even walk and hula

James couldn't do it

Larissa could

James and Larissa playing ping pong

Larissa and Briana throwing golf balls

playing against Ben and James

My mom showing her pitching arm

My dad and Jared taking their turn

We also played frisbee

Jared and Wes giving the grandkids a boat ride

Briley in a canoe

Enjoying the lake

Briley and Carson

Brittany and Mayley

Dayton driving at the race track

Calvin having fun

Briley trying to catch Carson

The kids love the swing

The younger kids

Jared swinging with Mayley

Mayley loves Jared

Dayton and Wes helping David's family set up a tent
Chisolm playing in the sand

The kids built a great sand castle

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Family Fun

Here are some pictures I took while I was visiting Arizona. It has taken me a while to post them... Sorry! This picture is of Wes's Birthday!
Here is some of the family sitting around visiting on the front porch.

Mayley is such a little poser!

Some of the grandkids playing and jumping on the trampoline.

Chisolm, Bridger, Devin and Colton digging in the dirt.